Thursday 4 December 2014


What I think that the status bubble should display:
 • your name - Hidden by privacy settings.
 • whether you're a local - if they look lost, you know why!
 • mood - for others reference.
 • criminal record (if any).
 • privacy 'friends only' setting.
 • personalised themes - for your own pleasure.
 • customizable - so you could change where everything goes.
 • specialities - maybe for job references?
 • hostile, neutral or friendly - if someone is charging at you, ya' know, could be useful.
 • age - friend protected.

Apart from blocking your view, it wouldn't really affect me that much. I suppose you can just turn it off.

I would like them, they'd just become part of life after a while. They sound like a good idea.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Note Taking

WALT: take notes and make notes reading an article

-use keywords and phrases to take notes
-use symbols and pics to take notes
-turn keywords, phrases, symbols and pics into full sentences.

When the administrators of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island, adopted six 'therapy' cats from an animal shelter, they had no idea that among them was one that possessed an uncanny sixth sense to predict the impending death of terminally ill patients.

Oscar the tabby cat's story begins in 2005, when the newly born kitten was placed on third floor of the nursing center, home to patients that are in the last stages of illnesses like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. The kitten spent the first year lazing around and watching the bustling activity around him. Then, just before his first birthday, Oscar began visiting each of the 41-patients on the floor regularly, just like the doctors and nurses did.

Initially, the hospital staff did not pay much attention to the feline's behavior. However, after some of the people that Oscar was snuggled next to passed away, they began to notice a pattern - the cat only went close to those that were a few hours away from dying. Otherwise, he would curl up on a desk and spend the day sleeping.

To test if it was just a coincidence, the staff tried to place Oscar next to a patient they believed was close to dying. But the paranormal cat refused to stay put and decided to snuggle next to someone else. Turns out he was right because 'his' patient died that same evening, while the one whose death the nurses had thought was imminent, lived on for another two days.

Among the biggest believers in Oscar's paranormal powers is Dr. David Dosa, a geriatrician and Assistant Professor at Brown University. He is so convinced of Oscar's unusual 'gift' that he not only published a paper about him in the New England Journal of Medicine, but also wrote a book. Entitled "Making rounds with Oscar: The extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat’, the 2010 publication outlines the various pieces of evidence he has been able to gather about the cat's predicting powers. Also convinced is the hospital staff who has been using Oscar's foretelling abilities to inform family members so they can bid farewell to their loved ones before it's too late.

Of course, not everyone believes that Oscar has a sixth sense. Some feline experts think that his perfect timing may have to do with a certain smell that the cat has come to associate with death. Others speculate it may have to do with the lack of movement in people that are about to die.

Then there are the skeptics who maintain that Oscar's record is not as perfect as it has been made out to be. They think that the hospital staff and Dr. Dosa have simply 'cherry-picked' the occasions when Oscar has been accurate and ignored the ones when he has not. Fortunately, none of this negative chatter has affected nine-year-old Oscar who continues to provide comfort to sick people in their final hours!

Sunday 23 November 2014

Movie Challenge -- Reflection

1) What your group did well?
        We successfully used the main idea and executed the movie averagely well.
2) What would YOU do differently next time?
        "I" would work a bit more on smoothing out the audio/video to make the movie feel less jittery.

Based on the criteria, how would you improve your movie if we gave you time.

  Teamwork: Able to work collaboratively as a team to produce a movie
  Quality of message - Life Ed theme. Shows understanding or learning from Life Ed programme
  Able to use filmmaking conventions: Camera angles, dramatic intention
  Sound quality: Ability to ensure all dialogue is heard

Able to use filmmaking conventions and sound quality.

Thursday 13 November 2014

How to make: a felt rock

So, here is my how to presentation on making a felt rock:

I think I did quite well, comparing myself to the SC.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Waimarino -- A blade of grass' POV

A cut above the rest -- a blade of grass

I looked out over the water, watching the gentle ripples form over its surface. The day was so serene as it always was and this was the life that every blade of grass - like myself - deserves. The noise of chattering started to rise behind me, the crunching of gravel underneath became louder. I fell asleep.

I awoke the feeling of the soft rain that once pattered on the the dirt disappearing. Kids were running around, shivering from their encounter with the frosty river only moments before. Many of the kids were going the the warm-looking pool. An instructor gathered up everyone and brought them to a tent, out of my veiw from the dock. A few minutes later they all emerged and headed over to the life jacket and paddle racks. All of the kayaks were laid out appropriately and a few helpers were lifting them down to the dock and that's all I ever saw, after all, I am just a blade of grass without the ability to turn.

Monday 3 November 2014

Drug Addiction

In a nutshell, this basically means that eventually the brain gets use to the drug which means without it the person feel bad.

Addiction is when you need: something to make yourself feel normal, like drugs.

F - Faster
A - Absorption
R - Rates

FAR means that a teenager (Or someone before the end of puberty) have faster absorption rates towards drugs.

R - Reason
E - Excuse
A - Assertive
C - Change to topic
H - Humor

W - Walk away
I - Ignore
T - Toughen up
S - Say no

M - Memory
R - Reason
J - Judgement
M - Mechanical Skills
I - Intellect
C - Concentration
E - Emotions 

This is what is affected when you take drugs.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Life Education -- Methamphetamine

Crystal Meth (or methamphetamine) is an extremely dangerous drug which can have severe effects on your body and brain. P -- a street name for methamphetamine -- can lead to nasty things like rotting gums/teeth, schizophrenia (or just hallucinations), lack of appetite leading to anorexia, high blood pressure, muscle spasms, the feeling of bugs crawling under your skin and mental disorders.

 Pretty disgusting aye?!

Antonie Dixon was accused and found guilty of murder using an automatic machine gun and samurai sword in 2003, killing one man and severing two womens hands off in an ordeal that lasted 11 hours. He was under the influence of P and shows what a lifetime of drugs can do to you.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Candy that doesn't cause cavities -- Dogo News

Candy that doesn't cause cavities


  1. What causes cavities?
  2. What was the genius idea the scientists at OraganoBalance came up with to try combat cavities?
  3. What was the experiment they conducted to test their thesis? Was it successful?


  1. Bacteria that eats away at sugar and leaves acid behind, left on your teeth.
  2. By using a bacteria that binds with the sugar eating bacteria and putting that with candy.
  3. They gave out three different samples. Two that were altered and one unaltered. They then tested the person's saliva each day to see the levels of bacteria that causes cavities.

Sunday 31 August 2014

Bao Bao -- Dogo News


  1. Every animal turns one so why was Bao Bao's first birthday so special?
  2. How did the zookeepers celebrate it?
  3. What are some of the things Bao Bao has learnt during his first year? What are some of the things in store for her before she turns two?


  1. It was special because the last lot of pandas all passed away.
  2. Bao Bao was given treats of all sorts including three bamboo sticks coated in honey.
  3. To wrestle with a buoy like object. She'll be moved to another enclosure.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Today we went to the "Dangerous Decibels" program which was run by Toni from some non-profit organization. Toni briefed us on the program and handed out a tuning fork and a pingpong ball with string mounted onto it. She instructed us to it the fork against the wooden floor and touch the pingpong ball. As a result, the pingpong ball bounced off of the fork due to the vibrations.

Afterwards, we learnt about safe and dangerous decibels. Decibels are what the volume of sound is measured in. A safe limit of decibels is 0-85, and anything over has a time limit. E.g: a washing machine is definitely safe to be around, unlike a bass drum of a drum set.

Mining Cavern -- Dogo News

  1. Q. How is Bounce Below different from other trampoline parks?
    A. It is located underground and features an amazing cavern.
  2. Q. What are some of the things visitors will experience at Bounce Below?
    A. Deep Caverns, lit up caves, an old mining train ride to the trampolines and truly amazing experiences.
  3. Q. What are the two ziplines called? What is special about each one?
    A. Titan and Velocity. Velocity is one mile long and Titan has multiple zip lines right next to each other, giving you that amazing family experience of your mum screaming.

Friday 22 August 2014

Homework Challenges -- Library

Today, we visited the library as part of the Rimu Homework Challenges (And I also wanted a book on PHP/MySQL). I asked for information on the Library's services, and this is what I got (Just realised we do one every now and then, so lets make it one service) :

  - DVD's
    At Tauranga City Library, they have an extensive range of DVDs for education use and just plain         old entertainment. From really young kids to about the age of 7 is their age range, to my mind.
    Some discs even involve computer games such as Scooby Doo, which I may've played a few times.
    In conclusion, this is a great service targeted at younger kids with education in mind.
    I give it 3 books out of 5.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Japanese Scientist Builds Robots That Look Eerily Human

  1. Q. What are androids? A. Androids are human-like robots.
  2. Q. Name the three robots Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has created for the 'Android: What is Human' exhibition? What are their respective roles? A. Otonaroid, Telenoid and Kodomoroid.
  3. Q. Why are androids more difficult to build then normal robots? A. They take a while because of the cast that has to be made, and all of the 'muscles' that have to be replicated.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Hotdog Eating Contest

Hotdog eating contest

  1. Q. Who was responsible for making Nathan's hot dog contest famous? How many hot dogs did he eat? A. Takeru Kobayashi from Japan, with a total of 50 hotdogs in 12 minutes, gaining the international fame.
  2. Q. How many years has Joey Chestnut won the contest prior to this year? What significant event occurred before the contest began? A. Joey has been 'king' for 7 years, he proposed to his girlfriend, Nesile Ricasa.
  3. Q. What happened in the women's contest? A. Sonya 'Black Widow' Thomas was outed by Mikki Sudo who wasted 'Black Widow' by 6 1/4 hotdawgs!

Monday 21 July 2014

Bali icons/things Mrs Mills saw

  1. The parcels located around Bali are called "Canang Sari", or offerings to the gods are usually made with a flax like material.
  2. School order: Primary (Ages 6-12), High School (Ages 13-15 for junior, 16-18 in senior)
  3. The name of the fish are Doctor fish, or Garra Rufa (the scientific name). They mainly occur in river beds in the northern or central part of of the world. The fish nibble and eat the dead skin on your foot, leaving them silky smooth.
  4. is a way of wax-resist dying. The cloth is usually made for traditional purposes, but is also manufactured. The cloth, or carpet has a history of being made in Java, and Indonesian island.
  5. Saraswati Temple is a Hindu temple of Goddess Saraswati located on the banks of Godavari River.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Term 2 PMI




I completed my science fairI didn't put much effort into my science fairThat the class has changed since the 'last man standing' thingy
We have read some really interesting booksPeople aren't too good at walking in a lineThe amount of dodgeball we played.
Everybody has been on task, most of the timeNone.My stationary goes missing, hmmmm...
I haven't dropped my laptopNone.Blogger doesn't support the 'style' tag

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Caveman Poo


  1. How many years ago was the specimen of poo from? (From spain)
  2. What part of Spain was the poo found in?
  3. What was the other trace found in the poo, apart from vegetables?
  4. What did they find in the plant traces?
  5. Who was the woman who worked on the project with colleagues?
  6. What was the micro fossils in?
  7. What is the name of the human species?

Sunday 29 June 2014

World's ugliest dog com'pet'ition.

Link to article


  1. How many years has the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest been around? How many contestants did it attract this year?
  2. How did this year's winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?
  3. What is the organizer's main purpose for organizing this unusual competition?


  1. It has been running since 1988. It attracted 29 dogs/contestants.
  2. He got his 'looks' from a fire which burt bits of his face like his lips, eyelids etc.
  3. The main purpose is to show the world that no matter what your pet looks like, it's still a loving, caring animal.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Who knew corn flakes could look so good?


  1. What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits?
  2. Why does it take so long to create each masterpiece?
  3. Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013.


  1. Rosado uses cornflakes in her art.
  2. It take a long time due to having to crush the cornflakes into the right size.
  3. Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Alicia keys and John Lennon

Critical thinking:

I think he picked cornflakes because they can be crushed, providing a cool texture. Cocoa pops? I don't know!

Sunday 4 May 2014

Who are these people?

This person is Willie Apiata, he has received a Victoria cross and served in the NZSAS
He received the victoria cross for carrying a conrad away from a firefight when a grenade blew up near their vehicle , wounding the soldier and causing major arterial damage.

The next person is Sir Jerry Mateparae, the Governor General of New Zealand, who has earned the rank "Lieutenant General" for his contributions to the army.  He earned "Knight of Justice of the Order of St John i regards of him becoming Prior of the Order of St John in New Zealand, Making him "Sir Jerry Mateparae".

Thursday 10 April 2014

Homework Term 1, Week 10


Prototec Maths:

Student Led Conferences:

Q. How did it go?
A. It was a very great conference and I enjoyed the bits where I took charge.

Q. What was it like doing it in class?
A. It is good because you can showcase your work and show your parents around the class.

Q. What did they like about the process?
A. (Mum): "I found it interesting to see where James was performing in regards to the national standards. It was a great to share with him his excellent progress and to have confirmation from Mrs Mills that he is doing well!"

Q. What did you like?
A. I liked how it wasn't all lead by the teacher se we had a sense of responsibility about the conference.

Q. What would you/they like to do differently next time?
A. (Mum) "Make a time later in the day so James' dad could be present also. It is a very quick meeting, a longer time would be great."

Khan Academy:


Thursday 27 March 2014

Homework Week 8

Protec Maths:

Battle of Gate Pa Crossword:

Order Of Operations Video:

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Art Technology - Week 5 & Homework - Week 5 - 6


My Basic Drawing

Today, we started out technology sessions and I was put into the Art group (Yay!)
Starting off, we arrived and were given our sheets. Our task was to draw what we saw in front of us.
As you can tell by the picture above, I never thought it was good enough so I kept restarting.
Anyways, I managed to get it finished, during which, everyone else was about to start their print making.
It got to the end of the session and I was amazed at what I actually made from ink, a piece of polystyrene and a drawing.

Wednesday 5th March - Wood Carving

Today, the goal was to make a wood carving and print it onto paper. The carving had to have something to do with the battle of Gate Pa. Mine was a front-on view of the Mission house at The Elms, which turned out to be pretty difficult to carve. We all knew that this wouldn't be finished today, so looks like we will do it tomorrow!

Thursday 6th March - Cont.

Carrying on from yesterday, we continued with our wood carving prints. This was very nerve racking as I didn't know how this would turn out! Other that that, I was ready. The carving took a while (Or should I say "I took a while" as usual), longer than I thought. I finished the carving and made my first print for the day. Finally!! So that was the last of that for the day!

Friday 7th March

So it's the last day of technology and we are back to printing. Everything is going well until I manage to load too much ink onto my print and that got a bit messy, but oh well! I finished my piece (which I wasn't too proud of) and carried on to my creative piece (which also wasn't that great). Overall, tech was awesome and I had a great time. By the way, I scored a 4P (Level 4 Proficient) which made me happy!


Protec Maths:

-SumoPaint (It went horribly wrong!)

Sunday 16 February 2014

Whare Writing

The whare is a special place, usualy based on an ancestor. The top bar of the whare represents the backbone of the ancestor and the beams the stray off of the main beam represent the ribs. Most whare’s, if not all face north, towards where the sun rises. Matua Grant explained the a whare is a place of peace, not war and that is why we have to take our shoes off before we enter.

There is a statue outside of the three iwis

These represent Ngati ranginui (Top), Ngati pukenga (Middle) and Ngai te rangi (Bottom). These all came from a tribe and ended up here. There is also a rope intwined between all of them which has all of the

Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentine's Day

St Valentines was a Roman priest who was secretly organising weddings for soldiers. He was jailed then sentenced to death by the King on February 14th AD 270. We exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers, with our special valentines. A special valentine is someone that you love.

American spend up to 3.6 billion dollars on Valentines gift each year. 50 million roses are sold each year on Valentines Day. 73% of people who buy flowers for Valentines day are men and 27% are women.15% of the US women send themselves flowers on Valentines day. Eros is the greek god of love and his roman form is Cupid.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Waitangi Day

Why are people carrying this banner?

In 1840, the treaty of Waitangi was created between the British crown (and government) and 540 Maori Chiefs. The treaty was about keeping peace between the British and the Maori. During which, the british stole the land off them and fought for the rest of it. TBC